THE WABetaInfo revealed, this Friday (22), that WhatsApp is testing a redesign of the location label. Right now it’s already possible include the sticker on the photos before sending, but you will have one soon New design. The new tag was found in the WhatsApp for Android beta update.
New sticker identified in WhatsApp Beta updateSource: Playback: WABetaInfo
The tool works similar to the Instagram feature and uses Android APIs to generate the user’s location. It is also possible to select a preset location to insert into an image. Just as this sticker exists in Instagram Stories, it is also present in WhatsApp statuses and chats.
The location sticker already exists in WhatsApp and can be used in chat and statusSource: Playback / Iraci Falavina
WhatsApp has been working on several new features for the messaging app. The company recently confirmed that it will receive the new “Communities” feature, which gathers different groups that have common threads, similar to Discord. However, the new functionality it will only arrive in Brazil after the 2022 elections.